Wednesday, September 3, 2014

To the Coast!

We made it! 14 days and 3,555 miles. We averaged something over 27 miles per gallon, probably owing to my over-packing. I know that we are heavier than we should be. I forgot to mention in my previous post that the first gas in California was $5.15/gallon. That was premium (Bergy has expensive tastes) and right at the beginning of the Tioga Road, a somewhat captive audience. I was pleased to see the prices drop to about $4.15 farther from the border. I had figured $4.10 average for the trip and this is really the first time I have exceeded that.

Now that the bean-counters have been dealt with....

I forgot to mention that the winner of the t-shirt is Doug Peel, who correctly guessed I would see my first Miata in Yosemite. The first one I saw here in Monterey was the earlier version of the British Racing Green Special Edition (Bergy's older sibling) from 1991. I was feeling pretty smug about completing my cross-country journey. This guy came from Newfoundland, about 10,000 kilometers, more than 6,200 miles in a 23 year old car! Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

I also drove out to the Laguna Seca track just to get my bearings. I couldn't believe how hilly it is! It looks like a fun place to play. I am not going to be doing any "hot laps," but I will take part in a "parade lap" or two at a more moderate speed, just to have the experience, dontcha know.

It was amazing how noticable the temperature drop was when we got near the coast. It's in the low to mid-70s here, supposed to be partly cloudy for The Event. Perfect!

Tomorrow is a "day off." Several people I trust suggested I visit the Monterey Aquarium, so the Monterey Aquarium it will be.


  1. Congratulations to Tom on arriving at the coast, and to Doug for being victorious. For those of you Star Trek fans out there, the Monterey Bay Aquarium was featured prominently in the movie Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. This film was informally known as the "save the whales" movie; and this aquarium is where the whales were. (Although, in the story it was called the Cetacean Institute and it was supposed to be located in Sausalito.) I have long wanted to go here because of the movie, more than because of the fish. I haven't made it yet. Hope it was grand.

  2. Yay! I won a contest. I almost never win contests. But there it is. Yosemite is such a magic place anything could happen. dd
