Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Clinton Ooooook-lahoma!

Yet another evening with a wretched connection. (Thanks to Rachelle D. for reminding me what a woonderful word "wretched" is.)

I managed to escape Texas. It seems that Fox News is the default TV show to play in public places such as breakfast areas in hotels. I guess they think they'll offend fewer of their patrons with Fox. I tried hard not to laugh at some of the segments.

Two nights in Oklahoma. Here in Clinton and another tomorrow in Claremore, where I will be dining with four Miata-loads of people who are doing Route 66 westbound after leaving Miatas at MRLS and wending their way through a bunch of national parks before taking off on The Mother Road from Chicago.

I managed to visit two Route 66 museums today, One in Elk City, OK, (The National Route 66 Museum) and one in Clinton (The Oklahoma Route 66 Museum.) The latter was head and shoulders better than the former. Much better exhibitry and focus. The former was one of those "attic-dumps" that local museums are so often prone to. It does concern me that places seem to be able to use "national" in their names with impunity. Anyway, these are a couple of the exhibits.

Outside the "national" museum, there was a beautiful c. 1960 Corvette parked. I thought it was part of the exhibit. But there was an empty space next to it, so I parked Bergy alongside. Just as I was about to take a picture of the two, a couple, looking very unfriendly, came out of the museum, looked down their noses at Bergy, got into their shiny Corvette and left with a snooty roar. I guess they were afraid I'd get Japanese cooties on their car.

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