Thursday, September 4, 2014

It Begins

I had dinner tonight with some members of the Green Group and another person from near Eugene, Oregon. Wonderful people. If all 2,000 of them are as much fun as this small preview, it's going to be a blast.

I did visit the Monterey Bay Aquarium this morning and it was everything that people promised. Just wonderful. The first thing I saw was this interpreter with a tube with tiny, live jellyfish swimming. Fascinating and, as you can see, captivating to the young (and older) visitors. I had been told that the visitor experience was top notch, but I was unprepared for just how high that notch was. It gave me much to think about, not only from the stories being told, but also from a (former) practitioner's perspective. There is much to learn here, and a tremendous amount of inspiration as well.

So inspired and deep in thought was I that, on leaving the parking garage, I sideswiped a concrete pillar with Bergy's rear bumper. Alas and oh well. The rear bumper needed redoing anyway. That's why you don't make a car perfect before taking a 7,000 mile drive. (Just one of Tom's Hints For A Stress-Free Life....)

Tomorrow is the Big Day, where 1,800+ Miatas will gather in an attempt to break the world record for Gathered Miatas. I am the group coordinator for about 20 green Miatas. The idea being to create a green patch in the assembled throng that will, when photographed from a helicopter, look like Central Park in Manhattan. At least that's the idea.

There will also be a chance to see the new, 2015 Miata in the "flesh" for the first time. It will be good to see it without the distortion created by wide or long lenses. I like what I've seen so far, however.

So I should better get to bed. There's cats needs herding in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are having such a good time. I am definitely learning a life lesson from your marvelous sangfroid in the face of Bergy's Bumper incident just before the big event and after all your months of TLC. But however you did have a fine excuse because the Monterey Bay Aquarium is everything you said and more. The jelly fish are particularly mesmerizing. Good luck herding your cats and have a great time on the track. The Corkscrew Turn should be a blast. Sasha and I set up a tripod on the edge of the inside of the track at the bottom of the last turn and took pictures for two races and a parade of Ferraris (same trip as Yosemite). Sir, you are having altogether too much fun. dd
