Saturday, August 30, 2014

Salt Lake, Utah

Today was pretty long, for me, about 350 miles. Bergy still continues to perform beautifully. Cousin Elsie made me some wonderful meatloaf and pepperjack sandwiches which stood me in good stead at a windy rest stop. Having the sandwiches was a nice way to take a little of my visit with me, to ease the transition from peace back to jousting on the highway. I am in Toole, Utah tonight, with a relatively short hop to Ely, Nevada tomorrow. I plan to visit the Bonneville salt flats on my way to Ely. Don't know if there'll be anything going on there tomorrow, but it'll be fun just to see it.

During much of today, I was again struck by the vastness of this country. I was reminded of the Breton Fisherman's Prayer: "Oh God, thy sea is so great, and my boat so small."

I am so fortunate to be able to make this journey. I'm getting closer to the left coast and my destination, but this trip has been all I dreamed it would be.

1 comment:

  1. It's nice to see that there are indeed still these vast, tranquil places unmolested by our hunger for invading, overriding and convoluting everything that we touch. I value the immense sense of peace as much as the tremendous scenery. This treasured solitude was apparent in both the account from Cousin Elsie's homestead and the trek across Utah.
