Friday, August 15, 2014


It's a beautiful day in my neighborhood, and that is just the problem: I'm still in my neighborhood and not on the road. But soon. Soon.

I finally succomed and bought a GoPro camera, a tiny little thing that has a rugged case that I can mount on Bergy to record things as I pass by. It has a wireless remote control, so all I need to do is click the remote and 'tis done. Now if a locust (which I hear are legion between here and Monterey) should smack BergyCam right in the eye, I suppose that might necessitate a stop for remediation. FirstWorldProblem.

So I've been having fun learning the camera's capabilities and unique point of view. It's been a while since I was "into" photography. On my college-era cross-country dash, I took one roll of film. Then there was the 25 or so years of photographing and teaching photography before I got a real job. I'm hoping to document this trip well. I can't promise a raft of selfies. My training as a photographer was that the photographer was the observer, not the subject. I have a little trouble with the self-importance implied by the selfie. But you know, kids these days.

One thing I have been thinking about.... Minor White, one of my photo teachers and inspirations, talked about the importance of preparation, that to be receptive while photographing, you have to start with being thoughtful while getting ready and carry that with you as you photograph. That the act of phtographing begins with the preparation. He said it better.

We're all packed and awaiting Wednesday. 

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