Thursday, October 2, 2014

Cuba, Missouri

Today was little more than a dash from Point A (Claremore, OK) to Point B (Cuba, Missouri.) I wanted to get under cover before the inch-diameter hailstones began to fall. All day, the sky looked like dryer lint, but it didn't let loose until this evening when it did so with a vengeance. None of the predicted hail (yet) but the night is young. I found a car-porty thing to park Bergy under. Registration is pretty low here at the Wagon Wheel Motor Court, a lovely, refurbished survivor from the 1930s, so I took a chance that no one would mind if I coopted a covered space.

The storm will bring with it cooler air, as if fall starts tomorrow. Fitting, since tomorrow I will return to my "home" states, the ones I am most familiar with. The "adventure" states will be behind me tomorrow and soon the entire adventure will be but a memory. I would do it again, in a heartbeat.

I neglected to mention the dinner I had last night with Mark Booth and several members of the San Diego Miata Club. They were following the entire route of 66 from Chicago to Santa Monica. Dinner was at Molly's Landing, a restaurant right next to Route 66. "Progress" is replacing the original truss bridge with generic concrete. The owner of Molly's bought two of the spans and had them moved to their driveway as an entrance feature. Quite something!

In other news, I've had to replace both low beam bulbs on this trip, the only automotive things that have failed on the trip. Every mile makesme happier with Bergy.

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